ANNOUNCEMENT: Contributions of groups towards World Environment Day

ANNOUNCEMENT: Contributions of groups towards World Environment Day

Ho, February 2, 2019.

This information is to all Western Togolanders,  all identifiable groups in Western Togoland and all authorities operating in Western Togoland.

This year’s World Environment Day (WED) falls on Wednesday, 5th June 2019. The PLC Secretariat directs that all chapters should start making contributions in their own groups for making the occasion a memorable one in Western Togoland.  There will be tree planting ceremony in every paramouncy.  Chapters capable of nursing seedlings must start now. Others that may not be able must start preparing to buy seedling as their contribution towards environmental awareness creation in Western Togoland.  We must make use of these occasions to create environmental awareness among Western Togolanders with a marked difference from the careless attitude in Ghana towards the environment. We must make Western Togoland a healthy place to be proud of.

This message marks the WORLD WETLANDS DAY, 2nd February 2019 and reminds our citizens of similar days in solidarity with our planet earth. Days such as World Arbor Day – Friday, 26th April,  World Environment Day – Wednesday,5th June, and World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought – June 17, must not be left for Self – Governing States or U.N. member states alone. We all belong to the same planet. Moreover, some of those states, as we can observe, have not made any remarkable positive impact on the environment to save us all.  As Western Togolanders, committing ourselves to the responsibility of caring for our environment is a noble path in line with our recent European Conference on Western Togoland, the theme of which was ‘REBUILDING WESTERN TOGOLAND INTO A NOBLE STATE – WHAT CAN YOU DO?”

Surely, everybody can do something.

I wish you all a healthy life on a vibrant planet.

Thank you.




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