The conclaves between France and England at the conclusion of the Second World War, part of the Togolese territory commonly called Volta Region is placed under the tutelage of England left under the supervision of GHANA; for some time, let’s listen to the uprising of the inhabitants of this territory, what is it exactly?

Let us clarify that point before we continue with the discussion. It is not the Volta Region alone but it is the whole of the Trusteeship Territory of Togoland under British Administration. Also, it was not left under the supervision of GHANA. Ghana cannot manage herself, let alone supervise Western Togoland. It was the failure of the U.K. to fulfill her duty that gave the opportunity for GHANA to carry out an armed invasion of British Togoland on 8th July, 1957, killing people on the streets of Kpando, Alavanyo, Nkonya, Hohoe, Hordzo and many other major town and driving fear into the people to submit to Ghana’s occupation of the land which we are now calling by its geographical name, “WESTERN TOGLAND”
Now to the question of current uprising: It is a popular reaction of the people to the persistent human rights abuses against Western Togolanders in Ghana that has quickened the people to retrace their history and the reason why they are misruled. They then discovered that Great Britain confused the U.N. with a false statement in a letter (T 103/1, dated 6th March, 1957) that the union of the two countries began on the midnight of 5/6 March 1957. Leaving no government to speak on behalf of Western Togoland was a failure of Britain to the blind side of the U.N. of which Kwame Nkrumah took the advantage and invaded Western Togoland.

2 / _ a territory under supervision could he claim autonomy?
Western Togoland is not a territory under supervision it is rather under forceful occupation. Western Togolanders have powerlessly submitted to this informal union with Ghana for over 62 years but it is an international human right for every people to determine their own destiny. Therefore to claim autonomy is totally right.

3 / _the contents of this close dating centuries allow you to be independent?
Western Togoland has never committed any offense to warrant going into servitude, and there was never any treaty compelling us to be slaves to Ghana. We are as all other human beings qualified by all standards to be independent

4 / _ this territory is under the tutelage of England over the UN prescriptions, what do the UN articles say about it?
After the invasion of Togoland by Britain and France on the side of the Allied Forces against Germany in the First World War, Western Togoland was given to U.K. as a class ‘B’ Mandatory Territory of the League of Nations by the treaty of Versailles. The same mandatory conditions were maintained by the United Nations when taking over the work of the League of Nations after the Second World War. Those conditions include maintain the territory in such a manner as to:
1. Develop it, educate the people and guide them into self-governance,
2. Take care of their health and wellbeing of the people
3. Administer it as it would its own territory and
4. Reserve the land and mineral resources for the natives and a competent public authority.
5 / _ According to the arrests and arrests, the Government of Ghana has always kept some in civilian prisons, what does it reproach you for?
This is the principle of intimidation being applied by the Government of Ghana to scare the people from exercising their rights to development, education, and good governance which form part of self-determination – a fundamental human right.
6 / _ What basic elements do you have before claiming your autonomy?
We are not calling for autonomy because we have the richest mineral resources like oil, gold, uranium, cobalt, lithium, clinker, iron ore, calcium or copper although they are there, but we can boast of our human resources par excellence. Western Togolanders are found everywhere in the building of Ghana into a nation. Where there is a breakdown in Ghana’s administration, it is Western Togolanders that salvage it. When it comes to skillful labour, Western Togolanders excel. In terms of faithfulness, count on Western Togolanders. Western Togolanders have the brain and the capacity to make use of all the natural resources in their land to build a noble nation.
7 / _ Have you ever touched England? If so, what does she advise you to do?
We do not need permission from the English, they were the people who connived with Kwame Nkrumah to enslave us, but we still owe them the respect for clearly defining the territories of Ghana immediately before granting her independence in 1957. We shall at the appropriate time embrace them after settling the scores with Ghana, our own kith and kin because they are the very people to change their mind and tell the world that we are rather good neighbours and not to be considered submissive slaves.

8 / _ The UN is necessarily concerned to take the necessary measures, what is this institution’s attention to your concerns?
The U.N. is not comfortable with its own failure to put checks and balances against being misguided into inconclusive termination of the trusteeship agreement which made its own trust territory a slave of U.K.’s crown colony. By all standards of the U.N., we are qualified to have our own government but you must note that the U.N. has its own modus operandi. And this is a test case for the U.N. We shall trust that the U.N. shall not wait chaos in the case of Ghana and Western Togoland.

9 / _ Those who are currently in detention because of your concerns, what do you think about doing for their freedom?
We shall not comment as if we want to influence justice. Let the courts decide

10 / _ which ones are put in front to plead your case?
Who can plead our case among the colleagues of Ghana? We are not ready to set a member country against another so we have rather initiated a human rights case against Ghana in order to get our informal union regularized.


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