What are the Terms of Reference? Is it agreed by the plebiscite that there should be killing of Western Togolanders as is occurring now? Is it agreed that Western Togolanders should be arrested and molested even if they are duly performing their statutory duties as is being done to Western Togolanders now? Is it agreed upon that the name Western Togoland should never be mentioned in Ghana? Is it agreed upon that nobody should seek redress for Western Togolanders for all the abuses they have ever gone through in the past, present and future? Is it agreed upon that Western Togolanders can be publicly or privately ridiculed by any Ghanaian at will? Is it agreed upon that any part of Western Togoland can be grabbed without the consent of Western Togoland? Is it agreed upon that Western Togolanders must have no right to make by-laws for themselve or have any representation at any forum? Is it agreed upon that Western Togolanders can be denied employment and any citizens right in Ghana? We cannot mention here all the abuses and insults that find their culmination in the agitation going on now. Some of them, we would not like to make public because we owe humanity the duty to prevent disharmony.
These and many are the reasons why we are seeking the Free and Prior Informed Consent of the People to intervene and execute the U.N. Resolution 1044(XI). Not until a governmental level agreement is reached by equally competent authorities from Western Togoland and Ghana, the truthfulness of the final sentence in this letter is FALSE. And the consequences of that fallacy shall keep multiplying exponentially with the possibility of geometric conflagration.