The above text if carefully scrutinized will inform any discerning reader that the forceful integration and annexation of Western Togoland into the Gold Coast was pre-meditated long before the Plebiscite of 1956.
There are portions in the above text which is the Gold Coast Constitutional Proposal for Independence that sought to entrench some clauses which will make it impossible for either of the outcomes of the Plebiscite to be effected, making it a done deal for the Gold Coast to easily and forcefully annex Western Togoland without the due process and laid down rules and regulations set out by the United Nations (UN) before, during and after the Plebiscite.
For instance, in page 3, article 37 of the constitutional provision stated clearly that “The Government (of the then Gold Coast) was in favour of the establishment of the following Regions under the new constitution:
• Eastern Region including almost the whole of the rural areas of the present Accra region.
• Western region
• Ashanti region
• Brong region
• Northern region (the existing arrangements by which the Northern Territories and the Northern section of TOGOLAND under United Kingdom Trusteeship are administered as a unit to continue if the Trust Territory opts for union with the Gold Coast) and Trans-Volta or Togoland Region (which will continue to include part of the Trust Territory if it opts for union with the Gold Coast) !
One wonders what these clauses in the proposed Gold Coast Constitution could mean if it was not a calculated and clandestine move by the framers of that constitution to shortchange and determine the fate of the people of Western Togoland even before the organization of that infamous Plebiscite?
There is no need to consult a soothsayer or a prophet to understand that there was already a clandestine plan to steal the will of the people of Western Togoland and forcefully annex the territory into the Gold Coast and thereby robbing the manifest aspirations of the people.
One further wonders why the international community including the UN sanctioned such a constitutional proposal whiles even knowing that it was cleverly directed at robbing the people of Western Togoland of their freedoms, liberties and integrity.
But in the final analysis the Independence Act cleared the air by specifying the Territories of Ghana and excluding the Trans-Volta Togoland Region which was not originally part of the Gold Coast.
Let us be guided once again that THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE THEY SAY IS THE VOICE OF GOD!