The Western Togoland Technology Incubator

The Western Togoland Technology Incubator

The Western Togoland Technology Incubator is an Institute in the formation to promote technological development in Western Togoland and it’s environs. It started initially as a virtual window platform for all who are sympathetic about the development of Western Togoland. This initiative is taken by the Peoples’ Liberation Council of Western Togoland in line with its mandate which includes promotion of education and development.

A survey conducted by the Technology Incubator last year 60% of the 210 respondents acquired their basic education in Western Togoland. 42% of those schooled in Western Togoland acquired technical skills in there. Among these, only 17% of them are engaged in their acquired trade within Western Togoland. Among the 40% that acquired their basic education outside Western Togoland, 95% are engaged in their trade or something else outside Western Togoland 5% are back working in Western Togoland.
On the average, the majority of Western Togoland’s technical skills are engaged in Ghana or elsewhere. Most of the skills acquired have no employment opportunities in Western Togoland. Employment could be created in Western Togoland for the many trained personnel but currently the demand is in Ghana. Without any deliberate effort to draw the consumer population to Western Togoland, urban drift will continue to lead Western Togoland into underdevelopment.

The Technology Incubator is networking incubators for setting up businesses in Western Togoland to reverse the rural-urban drift. One of the networks that has come out with samples of their products is the Western Togoland Weavers’ Union. It is the plan of the union to set up a Kete Weaving Factory in which all the workers shall be shareholders.
Interested investors are invited to express their concern in writing to the Skills Coordinator, PLC Secretariat, Ho. E-mail:
Interested dealers in Western Togoland Traditional Clothing may also contact the same for transactions.

Another product of the Western Togoland Technology Incubator on market trial is WESTERN TOGOLAND brand of aluminium products. – Cooking Pots and frying pans of various sizes are already on show at the PLC Secretariat at Ho.
Investors are also invited to sponsor the network of workers own companies in Western Togoland.
Indication of Interest shall be directed to the Skills Development Coordinator, PLC Secretariat, Ho. e-mail:


1 Comment

  • Wolfgang Bull
    May 31, 2022

    Such activities shall go a long way to make idle hands become productive citizens and abate the increasing lawlessness being openly demonstrated as public normalcy now.

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