Let me reiterate that it was Britain that made the proposition of integrating Togoland into Ghana but the UN in its wisdom disagreed with Britain and recommended that the people of Western Togoland choose between UNION and SEPARATION and so that brought about the Plebiscite, which outcome was an overwhelming vote in favour of a UNION. Britain however wanting to achieve her plans clandestinely connived with Dr. Kwame Nkrumah through the then Governor of the Gold Coast Sir C.N. ARDEN CLARKE.
Sir Allan Noble and her majesty’s Government of Britain *LIED* in a letter dated 6 March, 1957. T /1301 to the UN Secretary General that the UNION between Ghana and Western Togoland which was the choice of the people of Western Togoland had been effected. Britain thereby betraying the trust reposed in her by the UN over the Trust Territory under her administration. It is against this backdrop that the PLC of Western Togoland is calling for the needful (which is long overdue) to be done ie the establishment of the UNION between Ghana and Western Togoland in the interest of tranquility and a peaceful coexistence.