Dear folks, in remembering May 9 1956, the day British Togolanders, both educated and uneducated were subjected to that infamous Plebiscite in which an overwhelming number of the people of the British Togoland chose to join their territory in Union with an Independent Gold Coast or Ghana. It was the first in the history of the UN trusteeship council yet the date of such historical event passes by without notice.
The People’s Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland will like to commemorate today, May 9, 1956 by drawing everyone attention to the facts that the chosen of the UNION at the plebiscite was not a mistake and the integrity of our forebears in this decisive UNION victory cannot be under estimated. It is a political UNION in question and in that, there is an assurance of territorial integrity, preservation of culture identity, guaranteed inalienable rights, equal respect and a sense of belonging for the people of British Togoland. These were the Hope’s, joy and the future Togolanders envisaged by voting massively for UNION but these aspirations have been changed into a forceful annexation of the British Togoland into Ghana against the will and the determination of the Togolanders during the plebiscite.
Indeed, the actors and collaborators who took part in that “clandestine” move to shortchange the will of the people of British Togoland and diabolically annexed British Togoland to Ghana still have “Guiltiness pressed on their conscience”.
The people of British Togoland have been coerced by successive governments of Ghana all these years, making them second class citizens in their own land, deprived them of their freedom and human dignity, should make everyone including corridors of power to ponder as we mark 67 years of that infamous Plebiscite which outcome, if was respected by the then Gold Coast government, will not lead us to where we are now with the misunderstandings between our two peaceful nations.
In order to consolidate the peaceful coexistence that existed among the British Togoland and the Gold Coast before the Plebiscite,
it is our strongest conviction that the political leaders of Ghana take the necessary democratic and constitutional steps to implement the UN resolution 1044(XI) of 13 December 1956.
Issued by the Communications Bureau of the PLC – Western Togoland