11th May, 2023
Subject: Press Statement
Recipient: All Media Houses
Dear friends of the Media,
The attention of the Peoples Liberation Council (PLC) of Western Togoland, has been drawn to the above subject matter published by the Ghana News Agency (GNA), on May 6, 2023, and wishes to make some reactions after carefully scrutinizing same as follows:
1. The publication mentioned among other things that the 80km boundary lines between Ghana and her neighbor Togo, is to be reaffirmed.
2. The exercise is said to take a period of three weeks and will be jointly carried out the Reaffirmation Technical Committee of both countries, under an African Union (AU) Program, with support from the German Corporation (GIZ).
3. The publication further stated that all damaged, misplaced and removed boundary pillars would be replaced during the exercise.
• The PLC wishes to congratulate the Boundary Commission and stakeholders for that move as it would help secure the territorial integrity of the two countries involved. Our only concern is the role being played by Germany in this important exercise.
• We think that the role being played by Germany in the exercise, needed to be clearly defined and scrutinized. Whatever role Germany is playing in this is misplaced because Germany was never part of the erection of the original pillars.
The boundary pillars were erected after Germany had been defeated in the 1st World War by the British and French forces who extended the war from Europe to Togoland( East and West) and long after the Germany had been ousted from Togoland. Germany therefore has no business in this exercise whatsoever.
• It should even be noted here that the extension of the war to British and French Togoland, even resulted in the maiming and killing of many Togolanders who were forced to bear the consequences of the brutal and reckless actions of Britain, France on one hand and Germany on the other hand in a war Togolanders did not start and had nothing to do with back in Europe.
• Germany having a part to play in a matter that affects the territorial integrity of the people of Togoland, is therefore questionable and must be keenly watched by any well-meaning citizen of Togoland.
• Indeed Germany herself ensured that the Great Berlin wall which separated East and West Germany during the 2nd World War, was removed paving way for the two sides to unite for future growth and development as is now evidenced in Germany becoming Europe’ s largest economy.
• The question we are asking at the PLC is why isn’t Germany calling for a change in the status quo in the case of the Union between Western Togoland and Ghana which was to have been formed as stipulated in the UN charter on Trust Territories and Unions following the outcome of the May 9, 1956 Plebiscite, but is rather interested in Togoland boundary lines Reaffirmation? This is the big question that must be answered.
• The PLC thinks that there is a secret agenda and underlining motive on the part of Germany in this boundary pillars project for Germany would not offer any such assistance just for nothing. Indeed, Germany has consistently been known to have acted like the Biblical “Judas Iscariot” when it comes to dealing with issues of geo- politics and international relations.
Suffice us to say that, the African Union (AU) must be reminded of the ramifications of being implicated in this serious violation of it’s own Charter and Conventions.
The charter of the O.A.U stipulates that each country should hold on to its boundaries at independence, and that is fully applicable to Ghana and Western Togoland.
The boundaries of Ghana at independence did not go beyond what is stated in Ghana’s Independence Act of 1957.
As such the current deal between Ghana and Togo on the mandate of the AU should be seen as a ploy to downplay the integrity of one party in the Union of Ghana and Western Togoland which the people of Western Togoland are agitating to be regularized.
The AU must see the regularisation of the Union of Ghana and Western Togoland as a prelude to a greater regional integration, the glory of which belongs to the AU.
In conclusion, the PLC wishes to reaffirm commitment to it’s long held view that the will of the people of Western Togoland should be respected and the necessary constitutional and democratic steps be taken to ensure that the Union between Western Togoland and Ghana was effected for the continuous consolidation of the peaceful coexistence of the two free states.
Let us be reminded once again that “THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE THEY SAY IS THE VOICE OF GOD ! ”
Long live Ghana- Western Togoland UNION.
Issued by: The Communications Bureau of the PLC – Western Togoland