Chairman, invited guests, fellow countrymen of Western Togoland in the diaspora, and all you human rights enthusiasts, on behalf of Western Togolanders in the U.K., I salute you all this day for your patriotism. I am grateful to the Lord of all the worlds for making it possible for the organizers to accomplish their plans to this level. it is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity to be meet you all here to deliberate on REBUILDING WESTERN TOGOLAND INTO A NOBLE STATE.
In solidarity with the Peoples‘ Liberation Council of Western Togoland we in the U.K. have been following with great displeasure events back home, especially in recent times, when there is a great confusion in the whole land simply because a few people have agreed to betray the whole nation out of greed whereas a noble path is glaringly laid before them by the PLC, leading to REBUILDING WESTERN TOGOLAND INTO A NOBLE STATE, the peace of which is an honour to the leaders of both Western Togoland and Ghana. It is also unfortunate that PLC’s call for a collective effort of all front liners is being delayed while the enemy is rushing fast on Western Togoland. It is most unfortunate that Ghana, who should have been the best partner with Western Togoland in all things, has rather chosen to sow disharmony instead of establishing sustainable peace in the West African sub region.
Mr. Chairman, We clearly understand the path of the PLC and we feel greatly committed to supporting this agenda of making use of available liberty to secure the necessary freedom without spilling a drop of blood. This policy together with the principle of conserving the natural resources of the people until an appropriate authority is in place proves to us the genuineness of the PLC. Above all the, the intention of the PLC to facilitate the process of guiding the people into a constitutional self governance should sound the still small voice in the subconscious minds of the people of Western Togoland that the days are gone when people could barter their neighbours with tobacco. Any attempt in that direction must be recognised in time and nipped in the bud.
Mr. Chairman, we in U.K. promise to stand firmly behind the PLC because upon a careful examination of its principles we believe that all Western Togolanders, irrespective of their political inclination or social status, shall have their happiness in the success of the PLC.
Mr. Chairman, fellow participants, we hope you shall all carry messages from this conference to your neighbours wherever you may be. We also wish that you impress on those at home that we in the U.K. are only interested in one Western Togoland, a whose nobility lies in her systematic sustainable development and her harmonious coexistence with her neighbours including Ghana.
Mr. Chairman, as to the question of what we can do, the message from U.K. is that since the path of PLC is to make Western Togoland live in harmony with all other countries, we of the U.K. see it as our natural duty to develop the strongest relation between Western Togoland and the U.K. We shall, therefore, rally all kinds of support for nation building to empower PLC on her noble path. So, in a nutshell, we shall raise Western Togoland up with all our hands, and lay down our lives to make sure she becomes a state where noble deeds are done.